International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT 2017)

Trivandrum, Kerala (India), 6-8 April 2017

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Conference Description

*Publication and Indexing:
Accepted and registered full papers will be published into the conference proceedings, which will be indexed by Ei& Scopus etc.

*Invited Keynote Speakers:
Prof. G.N.Wikramanayake, University of Colombo, School of Computing, SRI LANKA;
Prof. S.Arumuga perumal, head of Department of Computer Science, S.T.Hindu College, India;
Prof.Dr.R.Sivakumar, head of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at RMK Engineering College,India;
Prof. Dr. S. Arumugam, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nandha Engineering College,India.

*Conference Chair:
Prof. S.Arumuga perumal, head of Department of Computer Science,S.T.Hindu College, India


By Email: icict2017@zhconf.ac.cn;
By online submission system:https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icict2017
Ms.Frannie F.Li Email: icict2017@zhconf.ac.cn
Tel: +86-28-8652-8629

Conference creator: Chapman

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Conference Location

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Trivandrum, Kerala (India)

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